Contribute to the mission

Donate Online
Thank you for considering joining our mission. Your contribution ensures that Navy SEALs, as they go through their transition into the civilian world, can do so with a team of supporters and family that believe in their future and will help them continue their life of service beyond the SEAL Teams.

Donate By Phone
Please call us at 646-883-8733 to make a donation by phone, using a credit card, an e-check or wire transfer.

Donate Via Wire Transfer
Please call us at 646-883-8733 or email us if you experience any issues with the wire transfer instructions.

Donate By Mail
Please provide your email address for the tax acknowledgment letter.
Send checks to:
SEAL Future Foundation, Inc.
32 Third Avenue #393
New York, NY 10003

Stock or Other Asset
You may donate securities (publicly-traded and closely-held) and alternative assets (real and personal property, life insurance products, etc.) to the SFF. Please email us to discuss a donation of securities or an alternative asset.

Employer Matching Gift
Did you know that many employers will match your personal donation and you can increase your donation with employer matching funds?
Check with your company for more information on matching gift programs. Employer matching gifts may also be available to you if you are the spouse of an employee, a retired employee, or the spouse/widow/widower.
Please use the following SFF information when completing a matching grant request through your employer.
SEAL Future Foundation, Inc.
32 Third Avenue #393
New York, NY 10003
Tax ID#: 46-0565393